"If you're the parent or caregiver of a child with autism who tends to bolt or wander, there are some steps you can take to increase your child's safety. Among them:
* When indoors, bolt or deadlock entrances and exits to the house.
* Place an alarm at each entrance or exit that alerts members of the household when the door is opened.
* If possible, fence in your property using materials that are difficult to scale. Place a gate on your fence that can be bolted or locked securely.
* Alert neighbors to the possibility that your child may wander, and give them clear directions as to what they should do if they see your child outside without an adult. If they don't know your child, introduce them - and/or give them a photo.
* Contact your local police, and make them aware of your child and his proclivity for bolting and/or wandering. Explain his special needs, give police a photo and contact information."
By Lisa Jo Rudy, About.com Guide to Autism